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Since 1996, we’ve specialised in development & distribution of a variety of market-leading absorbents and spill control products, helping industry protect their business, health & safety requirements and the environment from contamination by fluid spills. We are recognised as World Leaders in Spill Control and our brand is globally renowned. We are a critical resource for more than 28,000 companies in 78 countries across 5 continents. Today right across the world, environmental awareness is mainstream. For many people and businesses the choice of a product or service is affected by the green credentials of the supplier. Health & Safety compliance needs no introduction! Lubetech are an integral part of this change. We remain a team which aims to lead and be profitable, but we are proud to be leaders among the growing movement of professionals committed to protection of the environment for future generations – and the health and welfare of this. Our products are simple to use, but where more know-how is required for ISO14001 accreditation or you plan to implement an Environmental Management System (EMS) you will find a Lubetech Skill Centre spill response training course beneficial: Basic, Intermediate or Advanced, courses are site-specific with a clear message designed to help individual clients reduce the risk of adversely affecting the environment or falling foul of H&S legislation